Saturday, December 31, 2011

Join ME...

Welcome to Inspire Beautiful Strength.  I have created this blog to inspire and motivate others to find their beauty and strength.  In July of 2011 I found and made one of the biggest changes of my life.  I have always wanted to be healthy and fit.  Tried many different fads all in hopes of shedding the baby weight.  As many of us it was always a struggle, always ended up in self-hating and as you can guess the weight didn't come off.  Until of course.  With I was able to learn about Clean-eating and a NEW Healthy life-style.  This was no quick fix or fad.  This was a Life-Style Change.  I began following Katrina and Karena of on Face book, twitter and their website.  I soaked up all the knowledge they offered.  Began making changes.  Said good-bye to Diet Coke and Splenda (artificial sweeteners) and Hello to water.  Stopped buying the processed food and began buying whole, clean, organic and healthy foods.  Researched what Clean-Eating even meant. offers SO many fun workouts, challenges and most of ALL a community of women who are all in this together.  I was having FUN working out.  I could workout as a busy mom and fit it into my schedule.  I could do these workouts in my own home.  I began to start running and ran my very first 5K.  I was making life-style changes that before I only dreamed of and my body was changing.  Not only was my body changing BUT so was my inner being.  I was gaining confidence and believing in myself.  The greatest reward was seeing that I was actually inspiring those around me.  Me...the one who hated myself before. Me...the one who has always struggled in the past and kept the weight on.  How was this happening?  When YOU believe in yourself, others will believe in YOU too and then become inspired to believe in themselves. This is where the idea of Inspire Beautiful Strength began.  I want to Inspire YOU to find your Beautiful Strength...Strength in accomplishing your fitness and health goals and dreams.  Let's do this together!!  Don't forget to stop by and Like them on Face book.  They are where my journey began and continues!